Argentina's Inflation - A look at my land.


It is said that if you were born in Argentina in the 70's then you would have suffered a continuous recession all your life. The constant hope of an increased worth for your labour only being a fantasy generated by broken and empty political promises. Promises which have only resulted in an estimated 62% increased inflation by the end of 2022, which is not the worst if compared to Venezuela's estimated 500%. However, that is only yearly. Argentina has somehow proven to beat the poorest country in Latin America by generating a higher inflation by month.

It is a worrying aspect for any Latin America and the reason why so many families opt out of living under these countries any longer. Under these crafted flags of "socialism", where the government gives more than it has, it will be rare to see any radical improvement to the worth of the dollar. There are continuous attempts to salvage this and previous leaders and governments like Carlos Menem's in 1990 where he somewhat succeeded in taking control of the country's worth. This has not been replicated as of yet.

It has reached a point where prices are unpredictable, there are more different kinds of pesos and dollars, and the economy is in a state of constant panic and confusion. No one knows how money works or if their savings are still worth something. However, there is little done about this and it does not help when the country already accepted defeat decades ago.

Leaders have either given up under pressure, leaving for the next candidate a crumbling economy, or they have ignored the issue entirely. But the moment the Minister of Economy and the International Monetary Fund say dealing with inflation should be on the top priority, then it has to become a must. An election, however, can't and should not even need to happen in order to fix this.

Inflation can't become a political tool but rather a shared enemy in all parties. It needs to be addressed and admitted as a reality in order to be faced directly, not lied or watered down. For Argentina to begin actual change the bare minimum of fixing the economy must be on the top of any and all manifestos.

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