Previous Experience

Station Assistant

The always upbeat station, Unity Radio, has managed and created its own festivals to celebrate all to do with hip-hop, rap, trap, and everything urban culture. For this I helped to managed their events, their socials, their interviews in those events.

I also helped to write up articles on the topics and interviews broadcasted during their NTA and NGY Shows.

Visit its website:

Breakfast and Station Assistant

At Gaydio, we talk about all things LGBT happening in the UK. I specialised in helping the always funny and caothic duo of Paris and Dave in Gaydio Breakfast. So, if you ever listen to the breakfast show's on the day recaps, some of those will be selected, edited, and aired by me.

Sometimes I also manage the socials, which means creating charts, posts, and video recaps for our audiences to enjoy the best bits out of the breakfast show!

Listen to Gaydio:

Check Gaydio's instagram: 

Social Media Intern

I was given the opportunity to help the social media team at 2022's Manchester Animation Festival.

See their socials:




Feature Writer

Pitched features for NowThen Manchester unti its closure in late 2022.

Their website: 

My work:

Geopolitical Columnist

Worked as a global political columnist for The Human Perspective, concentrating on South American news and research. (The website has closed, however its return is seen in the horizon)

The Human Perspective columns: 

My columns:

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